We try to prove our partners’ potentials and to focus on key drivers achieving a successful partnership.

We try to prove our partners’ potentials and to focus on key drivers achieving a successful partnership.

What We See

What We Realize

→ Organic/acquisitive growth

→ Global expansion

→ New biz opportunities

→ Brand/network/customer base

→ Marketing strategies

→ Optimized value chain

→ Management system

→ Operation system

→ Clean governance

→ Interest alignment

→ Management team

→ Any synergies with Vivozon

→ Stable regulation

→ Any regulatory limitation

→ Any social issues 

→ Any ethical disputes

→ Optimal strategies and execution

→ Improved profitability

→ Improved market positioning

→ Cashflow based financial management

→ Optimized capital structure

→ Efficient tax strategy

→ Advanced corporate governance

→ Aligned management team

→ Shareholder value focus

→ Expansion through restructuring or M&A

→ Re-rating through follow on funding or IPO

What We See

→ Organic/acquisitive growth

→ Global expansion

→ New biz opportunities

→ Brand/network/customer base

→ Marketing strategies

→ Optimized value chain

→ Management system

→ Operation system

→ Clean governance

→ Interest alignment

→ Management team

→ Any synergies with Vivozon

→ Stable regulation

→ Any regulatory limitation

→ Any social issues 

→ Any ethical disputes

What We Realize

→ Optimal strategies and execution

→ Improved profitability

→ Improved market positioning

→ Cashflow based financial management

→ Optimized capital structure

→ Efficient tax strategy

→ Advanced corporate governance

→ Aligned management team

→ Shareholder value focus

→ Expansion through restructuring or M&A

→ Re-rating through follow on funding or IPO